
This is just gonna be a list of books I'm reading/have read, specifically using my eyeballs rather than my ears. I just want to keep audiobooks and regular books separate. I do in fact consider listening to audiobooks "reading", but I feel like it's a slightly different class of media. High quality audiobooks are oftentimes fully cast and are almost akin to a radio show or podcast. In my mind, this makes them a separate thing from simply reading a book. So, with all that out of the way, here are the books.

Romulus Buckle & The City of the Founders - IN PROGRESS

This is the only book I'm really into at the moment. I've been enjoying it quite a lot so far, and my kindle tells me I'm about 20% of the way through. This is the first fiction book (that I'm actually reading with my eyes) to grab my attention this much in quite some time. The story is (thus far) about a zeppelin captain in a post-apocalyptic California. He's trying to save his clan leader, and so far, isn't doing so hot. The only real gripe I have with the book is the writing. It can be a bit repetitive. Things like using the same descriptive words several times within only a couple of pages. It's not terribly bothersome, but I wonder if it was done intentionally so as to make the writing more understandable for a younger audience. I don't really know who the heck this book was targeted at. Honestly, probably teenagers. Anyway, who cares? I'm enjoying it and that's what matters.

Why Evolution is True - IN PROGRESS

I've made it through only a few chapters of this so far, but it's truly incredible. Really turned what was left of my faith on its head, along with the other things going on in my life. Within the first three chapters, Jerry Coyne describes several pieces of evidence which patently disprove several claims made by biblical texts. I found it so disrupting that I actually bought it for kindle and gave the physical copy that Shelby gave me over to my mom and ask that she at least try reading some of it. Really, there's some wild stuff in there.