
Here we have a list of podcasts that I'm listening to right now. I might keep this updated, or I might not. Who knows?

  • Welcome to Nightvale

I'm enjoying WTN so far. It's pretty freaking weird, but I like it. It's basically a radio news show, but in a town where nothing makes any sense whatsoever.

  • Old Gods of Appalachia

OGoA quickly became one of my favorite podcasts of all time. Seriously, it's fantastic. Steve Shell(?) is a wonderful narrator, and frankly, I couldn't really ask for any more than he provides in his story telling. He and Cam Collins write the story and really do a great job. Their story telling is rich and descriptive, and Steve's narration voice makes me feel like I'm on a porch, in a rocking chair, somewhere deep in the mountains of the south. Oh yea, the story. The story is incredible. Detailed characters make you feel like you're truly part of someone's family, and ambiguous, not-fully-knowable villains will send a chill down your spine. The plots of each individual story are delicately weaved together, and give many gratifying "a HA, I KNEW it!" moments. It really is a great podcast.