Stuff to Do

  • Learn Python

    • I'm sorta in the process of this right now. I watched an hour-long introduction video on it, and that got me pretty interested. I'm considering buying a course from the guy that made the video, but it's probably more cost effective to watch the 6-hour long video he published first.

  • Learn Powershell

    • This has slightly been pushed to the backburner by my interested in Python. I need to keep trudging through the book Zo gave me, even if learning by reading isn't really my forte. If nothing else, hopefully this will increase my ability to learn this way.

  • Get better at 3D modeling and printing in general

    • Not much else to say about this one. I'm hoping I can help Shelby out with DND figs/terrain at some point. Don't really need to learn much else for that, though.